What does EMIR Mean?
Every Murder Is Real. There are ripple effects from a homicide travels far and wide reaching the furthest corners of a community. It is raw. It is tragic. It is real.
Emir Greene, son of Founder Victoria Greene, was tragically murdered on March 26th 1997.
How is murder different?
Survivors of a violent death have to contend with a totally different set of circumstances than someone who has experienced a “natural” death.
EMIR is here to guide survivors through the many feelings they will experience and the legal ramifications that are inevitable.
How we help?
Enabling healing from trauma and grief through support and education.
Restorative Justice
EMIR Healing Center participates and engages in restorative justice practices with community members and partners as part of a broader healing justice framework.
Survivor and Trauma Support Services
The Survivor and Trauma Support Services provided at EMIR Healing Center assist families impacted by homicide and violent crimes as they recover, restore and/or (re)claim their own healing journeys.
The Wellness Team at EMIR Healing Center is committed to providing trauma-informed approaches to holistic healing.
Violence Prevention
EMIR provides trauma-informed services to families of homicide victims in Philadelphia, who have experienced or witnessed homicide, gun violence, or other violent crime.
You are not alone
E.M.I.R. Healing Center enables healing from trauma and grief through support and education. We are here to help. Please contact us for more information on what we can do for you.